Minning um stað | Memory of a place 2016. Mineral and oil on canvas, 80 x 75 cm. Mineral pigment made from Námaskarð, northen part of Iceland.
Minning um stað | Memory of a place 2016. Lava and oil on canvas, 80 x 75 cm. Mineral pigment made from the lava in Óbrinnishólahraun, southern part of Iceland.
Minning um stað | Memory of a place 2016. Mineral pigment and oil on canvas, 80 x 75 cm. Made from the mountains in Borgarfjörður, east part of Iceland 2016.
Minning um stað | Memory of a place 2016. Lava and oil on canvas, 80 x 75 cm. Mineral pigment made from the lava in Ódáðahraun, northen part of Iceland.
Minning um stað | Memory of a place 2016. Lava and oil on canvas, 80 x 75 cm. Mineral pigment made from the lava in Rauðhólar, southern part of Iceland.
Minning um stað | Memory of a place 2015. Lava and oil on canvas, 80 x 75 cm. Mineral pigment made from the lava in Skúlatúnshraun, southern part of Iceland.
Minning um stað | Memory of a place 2016. Mineral powder from the lava Eldborgarhraun Reykjanesi southern part of Iceland and Zinc White and oil on canvas, 85 x 80 cm.