Landslag Landscape 2014 oli and soil on canvas 80x 75 cm.

Án titils | Untitled 2014. Mineral powder and oil on canvas, 80 x 75 cm.

Landslag Landscape 2014 Oil and soil on canvas 105 x 95 cm.

Án titils | Untitled 2014. Mineral powder and oil on canvas, 105 x 95 cm.

Landslag Landscape 2014 oli and soil on canvas 80x 75 cm.

Án titils | Untitled 2014. Mineral powder and oil on canvas, 80 x 75 cm.

Grænadyngja Photographs 2010

Grænadyngja Reykjanesi southern part of Iceland. Photograph 2010.


Studio 2010

Landslag Landscape 2014 oli and soil on canvas 105x 95 cm.

Án titils | Untitled 2014. Mineral powder, clay (Lagsiliköt) made from Grænadyngja southern part of Iceland and oil on canvas, 105 x 95 cm.

Landslag Landscape 2014 Oli and soil on canvas 70x 65 cm.

Án titils |Untitled 2014. Mineral powder and oil on canvas, 70 x 65 cm.

Rauðhólar Photographs 2014.

Rauðhólar southern part of Iceland. Photograph 2014.

Steinefni Minerals

Steinefni | Minerals

Landslag Landscape 2014 Oli and soil on canvas 105 x 95 cm.

Án titils | Untitled 2014. Mineral powder, morr-red irone oxide made from Mjóaförður east part of Iceland and oil on canvas, 105 x 95 cm.

Landslag Landscape 2014 Oli and soil on canvas 80x 75 cm.

Án titils | Untitled 2014. Mineral powder and oil on canvas, 80 x 75 cm.

Án titils | Untitled 2014. Oil and minerals on canvas, 105 x 95 cm.

Án titils | Untitled 2014. Mineral powder and oil on canvas, 105 x 95 cm.