Gálgaklettur og órar sjónskynsins 2012
Sýning að Kjarvalsstöðum um samtal Jóhannesar Kjarvals við náttúruna og íslenska myndlist. Í um aldarfjórðung heimsótti Jóhannes Kjarval reglulega afskekktan stað í Garðahrauni norðan Hafnarfjarðar, sem hann kenndi við Gálgaklett. Sýningarstjórinn Ólafur Gíslason fjallaði öðru fremur um fyrirbærafræði sjónskynsins og hafði til hliðsjónar verk eftir tuttugu aðra íslenska listamenn og finnur í þeim endurómun við Gálgaklett, viðfangsefni Kjarvals. Málverkið Gálgakettur frá 2009 eftir Kristján Steingrím var á sýningunni. Meira
Hangman's Rock - The Delirium of Vision
Jóhannes Kjarval’s Dialogue with Nature and Icelandic Art
For about a quarter of a century the painter Jóhannes Kjarval frequented a secluded spot in the Garðahraun lava field north of Hafnarfjörður called Hangman’s Rock. There doesn’t seem to be anything unusual about this particular spot in the Icelandic lava fields, but despite this Kjarval created a large number of paintings there, which constitute the foundation of this exhibition on the Delirium of Vision. The exhibition aims to shed new light on the phenomenology of visual perception, and how its paradoxes are echoed in the work of other Icelandic artists who are either directly or indirectly influenced by the visual philosophy of dissolving borders between external and internal reality that we find in Kjarval’s works. The painting Hangman´s Rock (2009) by Kristjan Steingrimur was part of this exhibition. More